Cotton is at the point of being able to jump out of the box, she doesn't have to take being
ignored when she makes a fuss. She just comes out, then comes over to say hold me now,
they are so cute at this stage, well every stage. It won't be long now until they all can do that.
And Beckley isn't a big help either, he just jumps in and out of the box at will and that shows
them it can be done too. Its just one step for him (Thank U Beckley)
These guys have been fortunate to be able to go outside
everyday lately and run off a lot of energy. After their laps up the trails they hit the kennel where
Mom has a bone buried and she was teaching the pups pecking order and how to submit to be able
to either get some chews off the bone or to wait their turn.
Funny now that Cloud is gone there
haven't been any heated battles, everyone played and got along swimmingly today. Nia and Cloud
really had some sibling rivalry going on.(Sisters) We think they are still wondering what happened
to her. Mom this morning went to all spots that she inspected for dens Dad2 thinks looking for her,
I think maybe thinking about moving the rest of them so no more disappear.
Pups today just had a status quo puppy day. They pretty much just did the things puppies do,
went outside, did the run in the woods, Cotton and Sampson also went on their own for a run
with Beckley while Nia stayed close to me, then they got to stay out with mom in the upper
kennel while we took a quick trip to down. Puppy handlers stopped by after piano lessens and played
with them. We will be saying good-by to Sampson tomorrow.
One of Beckleys twin kitties Fearless Toes, he is the one that loves to play & wrestle with the puppies.
The 3 pups had a blast
today chasing around the woods and playing outside. Three of the girls had only a half
day of school so they were able to spend some good quality time with Sampson and the
girls on his last day with them. Nia made up for not going on the run yesterday with Beckley,
She and Beckley took of up the hill so Beckley could check out where I had just run the
pups, Nia stayed right on Beckley's heels and then he brought her right back to the kennel.
After a few hours we brought the pups back in and they took a short nap and got to play out
of the box with each other and the girls until Sampson's owners came.
Then there was two. Sampson is on his way to his new home.
It really helped to have the owners send towels that they slept with, (we put them in the box with the pups to sleep on).
Sampson seemed to know and
acknowledge the people, it was like I know that smell and this is who belongs to it.
We were amazed that he just sat by his new grandmother until they were ready to leave then we
put him in the back of the truck in a basket with the towels and his toys and he just
laid down and started chewing a pig ear and off they went.
Nia seems to miss Sampson
the most, they use to hang out together and became really close. She and Cotton have had a few
arguments but they never seemed to bother with each other until now, but are enjoying laying together
and consoling each other, they seem real sad that pups keeps disappearing.
On a lighter note we have a great week 8 set of
pictures with Clouds picture the last day she was here Day 53 and only two more days until National
Nia Day on day 58 when she will go to her new family, and Cotton will be leaving next week.