Pups continue to grow like weeds. We lucked out and got another great day outside. Just when we try and predict what these guys will do they do the exact opposite. We don't know if they just love being outside so much or that they really do know that the next day is going to be nice out. They absolutely Love being outside. At any rate they didn't want to settle down last night, they were up almost every hour on the hour fussing about something. Mom isn't a big help anymore as she doesn't want to nurse that much anymore and sometimes that's all that will satisfy them, so I get up and feed them at about 3:30am a little warm goat milk to satisfy them.

After going on their mandatory romp through woods later this morning it was off to the kennel to play with mom and Beckley. Of course they slept when they were outside in the kennel, they looked like they were at the beach all sprawled out in the sun.

One of the puppy handlers came for awhile with her friend. By the time we were ready for the pups to come in they were all crashed on the deck and couch and it was difficult to get them to wakeup and go in the house to take a nap. They have now slept for a couple hours and are just getting ready to come back out and play before they go back down for the night. (hopefully)

Day 51 started out actually late. The pups woke about 6:30 for a drink of water and some food and then went back to sleep until 8:30, from then it has been full speed ahead. It has really been a day trying to establish dominance in the pack with Nia and Cloud battling most of the morning. It's more like real intense hard play with a lot of noise and growls. By afternoon they were the best of friends again and were out running together in the kennel pulling on blankets and sticks being puppies. Cotton and Sampson seemed to know enough to stay of out it. We gave Cloud her first puppy shot and she didn't even know it or become tired, the rest will get theirs early this next week. After their run on the trails and play time outside the pups were let out of the kennel and after a while of trying to herd them all down to the house, we got them in and they took their usual late afternoon nap, which gave us a chance to try a nap seeing we didn't have any of the puppy handlers today to keep them (or us) up. This was the first nap in almost 2 months for us it was a little strange. Now the pups are back up and out in the kitchen and this time their all at each other biting and teasing, it's just the stage they're at now, they have to fight a little before they can play nice, but big brother can always come to the rescue and calm things or else divert their attention to biting on him. The real word for today has to be busy, we chased the pups all over trying to get pictures and they just wouldn't hold still. You would think they were gettin tired of pictures? you think? We only have 6 albums with 100s of pictures. Why should they be tired of having their pictures taken? Pups now weigh between 17.5 - 19 pounds

Cloud is all ready to meet her new mom and dad and go to her new home tomorrow. Nia and her sisters and brother spent the day pretty much like yesterday wrestling and playing going for walks and enjoying the nice spring weather outdoors. We had some kids with their parents stop by in the late afternoon and then the puppy handlers came by for their good-byes to Cloud.

Beckley seems to know something is going on too ever since we have stated to put the towels in that will go with each puppy. He has been real clingy to me not wanting to leave my side. We think he remembers this from last year when his sisters and brothers started leaving.

The pups are becoming less & less white than they use to be after playing outside but it is to early for a bath..

And then there was 3. Cloud is on her way home with her new mom and dad. The pups had a great day playing together, they went outside and even got rained on. We thought they would head for cover but they ran down to play in the rain. The good side is that after we toweled them off some of their white came back. Beckley of course was acting like he knew something was up all day and the other dogs acted a little upset when Clouds new mom and dad rolled in. They now have settled back down. The pups are content not having to jostle with Cloud, the girls can focus their attention on beating up on Sampson if he lets them. The pups are starting to look like little dogs if you get them at the right angle, that is opposed to looking like puppies.

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