This is to document how we raised, socialized & domesticated these guys from birth to going to live with their new families.
I do not leave mom and the pups from the week before mom whelps the littter to the time that all the pups go to their new
families about 10 weeks total. I am the second mom to the pups and provide extra love, hugs and kisses for all the pups, and
of course making sure no one gets crushed or suffocated, cleaning up after the pups, so they are never laying in their messes ever and paper training and making sure everyone has enough to eat.
Mom loves and trusts us enough to want to have her babies in the whelping box in the house with us and all the noise and activity going on and wants me to help her with all of it, from begining to end.
This is how all these guys should be raised and treated, As Family Members and not as wild animals. If you can't provide this type of situation and time you should not have one.
They are real social and require companionship, a lot of love and attention, not to mention a firm commitment.